New Year: New Challenges
As your teen has returned to school in the New Year, they may be looking slightly worse for wear with stress setting in.
January and February can be a gruelling time for a student in an exam year, and as the New Year begins, examinations can start to seem a whole lot more serious for many teens!
As a parent, you may experience certain concerns in relation to supporting your teen during the coming months. Especially if this is your eldest child, you may want some advice and reassurance that you can help your teen with these new challenges ahead…
Firstly, it’s helpful for parents to know that Prelim exams take place in January/early February, schools take these quite seriously. The grades received from these Prelim (mock-style) set of exams are used to set final targets and identify any gaps and issues for each individual. In some case’s, if a student has performed poorly it might be recommended that the individual does not sit the May exam and take the subject over two years.
Many students will have revised for these, either in class, at home, or enrolled on prelim revision courses. When the results come, try to keep perspective and devise plans. If there are areas of worry, or your child is disappointed, try to gently discuss and devise the next steps forward.
If your child has exceeded expectations, of course praise is due, but still consider steps moving forward and carefully discuss this with your child (some might treat strong results as an opportunity to become complacent!) All students will benefit from revision.
In this New Year, take opportunities to seek out resources. Prioritise parents’ evenings. Buy the revision books. Download all the Pass papers from the SQA website. There are plenty ways for you, as a parent, support your teen and keep them on the right track.
If you’re going to turn to a revision course, such as ours, get your child enrolled onto the course. It’s always reassuring to plan ahead and, especially as the exams creep up, it will offer you and your teen that extra confidence as a part of the revision process. We provide small-sized classes, led by subject specialists, to help prep your teen for National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher courses in an intensive way. School holidays account for up to 30% of the academic year- a prime opportunity to intensify revision for the best results this year!
As your teen hopefully starts to take revision more seriously in the coming year, their health is going to be ever as important. As a parent or guardian, your practical input in encouraging good sleep, healthy eating habits, and exercise, will also set your teen in good stead.
Don’t leave revision to the last minute cramming for exams doesn’t work… start the revision early 12 to 16 weeks before the exmas start (thats Now bye the way). If you need help getting your teen started our Unit in a day class begins at the end of January and will help get things moving in the right direction.
Finally, a listening ear or a bit of encouragement goes a long way. There will be challenges this year, but it will also be a year of reward too.
Remind your teen that these few months will go quickly- and won’t take long!
Here’s wishing you and your teen a fruitful year ahead!
UNIT in a Day Classes are open to S3, S4, S5 and S6 pupils. Covering National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher
- Small class size
- 3-hour revision course
- Open to S3, S4, S5
and S6 pupils - National 5
- CfE Higher courses
- Advanced Higher
- All School Teachers with Enhanced Disclosure
- Class run every Saturday 27th Jan – 3rd March