How to Head for the Highest Grades

How to Head for the Highest Grades

Most teens strive to do their best when it comes to exams- and rightly so! It’s important to make their school years count.
There’ll be nothing more satisfying- come results day- than when your teen opens that envelope and is chuffed with what they got!
For some students, however, they’re pinning all their hopes on the highest grades. The pressure is on to make that ‘happy envelope’ happen! So, if this is your child, what can they do to head towards those high grades? How can they give a fair balance to their top subjects?

Know Your Exams

Much of exam success is down to how students handle the individual questions and tasks tested in front of them.
Again, this is where a revision provider- such as ourselves- can be ideal for helping your child move towards higher levels! Our courses are led by subject specialists in National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher subjects (SQA exam boards,) so you can feel reassured that they’ll cover specific exam techniques and questions.

This includes timing

Timing can be such a crucial factor- even for those who usually achieve the highest marks in the class! This is because under exam pressure (let alone anything else your teen might have going on in their personal/home or social lives!)
This includes timing. Timing can be such a crucial factor- even for those who usually achieve the highest marks in the class! This is because, under exam pressure (let alone anything else your teen might have going on in their personal/home or social lives!) because the timing of individual questions can be tricky to master- and to work effectively in timed conditions takes practice.
Deepen Knowledge and Skill

Pupils who attain top marks are usually those who are willing to deepen their knowledge and skill. As the revision process progresses for your child, there’ll be time to refine techniques and skills, as well as moments to acquire some further knowledge of a topic.
Revision shouldn’t really about learning new things- especially if your child’s aiming for high grades…it should be about mastering things at the maximum level. Teachers, our revision courses and subject specialists can help equip your child for jumping the further hurdles, should they need it.

To achieve top grades in exams students, must revise during the Easter break. Despite their best intentions, it can be difficult for students to possess the willpower and discipline to work effectively during the holidays.


It seems a given that if your teen is hoping for top grades, then they’ll be revising (so we won’t dwell on this one too much!) But, what we will point out is that revision doesn’t need to mean that your child is glued to the realms of their bedroom, studying alone. In fact, it can be very beneficial to revise alongside like-minded peers, who might be good to bounce ideas with or share topic knowledge with.
Therefore, joining one of our revision courses can be an excellent way to boost your child’s grades and expert knowledge!

As a final note

Finally, aiming for the highest grades will involve working and focussing hard, but it will also involve a sense of balance. Eating well, sleeping well and resting well is, of course, vital for your teenager’s maximum output come exam time!

Easter School

We offer 8 hours of structured revision, led by qualified and experienced school teachers, many of our teachers are SQA markers.

Week One Monday 1st April – Thursday 4th April 2019
Week Two Monday 8th April – Thursday 11th April 2019

National 5 subjects covered: English, Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Geography, Business Management, Spanish & French

Higher subjects covered: English, Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Human Biology, Physics, Business Management, Modern Studies, Geography, Spanish & French.

Advanced Higher subjects covered: Maths, Chemistry Biology & Physics.

Click here to find out more about Easter School

Blog Headline: How to Head for the Highest Grades Blog Description: Maybe it seems like it’s all your teenager is talking about? Those teenagers seeking top marks can sometimes land up only surrounding themselves in studies. And, whilst we encourage a commitment to revision, there’s some ‘balanced’ ways to still achieve the highest grades! Published Date: 20/02/2019 Modified Date: 20/02/2019 Image URL: Image Width: 750 px Image Height: 469 px Publisher Name: Grade Booster Tutoring Logo URL: Logo Width: 375 px Logo Height: 375 px