Revision Kit List: What Does My Teen Need?

Revision Kit List: What Does My Teen Need?

You might think it’s lucky if your teenager finds a pen around the house to write with, let alone owning a whole stash of stationery to revise with!

Some teens can become ‘shy’ about owning a pencil case- lots of teens don’t bother taking them to school and instead rely on a trusty pen in their pocket- but having equipment at home is really beneficial when it comes to revising. To revise effectively, your teen is likely to find it much easier- and more motivating- if they’re well equipped. So, what’s useful?

Revision Kit List: What Does My Teen Need?

Stationery Essentials

When it comes to the essentials, some decent writing pens (in blue or black) are going to be vital. It’s worth your child getting into the habit of carrying around both colours, as some exam papers specify students must write in black, for example. Carrying around more than one pen is also useful- in case one runs out!

Ruler, highlighters, a pencil and an eraser also feature highly on the list for essentials- as your teen will use these items across several subjects. Check out kit lists from specific subjects, too, as some teachers ask students to purchase certain materials.

Stationery Add-Ons

Then there’s also ‘add-ons,’ which are things that your teen will find helpful- but aren’t absolutely vital.

Fine-line pens, felt tips or colouring pencils are a great idea for adding a splash of colour to revision posters and notes. Colour-coding ideas, or creating colourful mind maps will help with the visual aspect of revision, so it’s definitely worth investing in some if you can.

Post-it notes are another! They are great for sticking up on walls, sticking across large sheets of paper, and some students even use them to create different revision activities (look online for inspiration,) as post-its can be a fun and versatile revision aid!


No doubt, your teen will start the year with good intentions (don’t we all!) They’ll likely draw up revision timetables; sign up to revision courses; buy all the guides and the books….

And then don’t use the resources effectively.
With all the kit and resources you purchase for your child, ensure that they organise it to maximise revision. Joining our revision courses, for National 5s, Higher and Advanced Highers, is an excellent way to make the most your child’s studies- and will help guide them through key knowledge and learning. Our courses also provide top exam tips, and guide your child through individual exam techniques, so your teen can really utilise their resources and kit.

Our subject experts will also be able to advise students on effective ways to make use of their equipment and help them to practise papers, working in a focussed, purposeful environment.

We’d recommend starting as soon as your teen can to achieve top marks. As a parent, you’ll need to encourage your teen at home- and help them stick to their plans.

It’s tough taking examinations, but with the right levels of encouragement, equipment and organisation, your child will hopefully reap success this year!