To the Class of 2020

To the Class of 2020

To some of us, the year 2020 sounds like a surprisingly strange time-warp, but to your teenager, it might be the pinnacle of their schooling or academic endeavours. It might be the year that they countdown until their final exams!

Everything they do at the start of this New Year may be geared towards doing well at school in order to make the next step in their walk of life. Whether it’s furthering their schooling, preparing for university, or getting ready for the world of work, it’s likely your child wants to do well and get good results!

To the Class of 2020

Career Goals?

What does your child want to do? Have they any idea just yet? For some teenagers, they have their hopes pinned on a goal: they know where they want to head. For this type of student, every mark matters in order to achieve the best grades in the subjects they know will help progress their futures. As a revision provider, our courses are an excellent way of boosting your child’s grades. We offer classes in a variety of core SQA subjects.

Open to options?

Then there are students who don’t yet know what they want to do. It might be best to treat their examinations as a broad set of opportunities- subjects that they may end up pursuing or later delve their interest into. Doing well across all subjects may seem demanding, but again, there’s plenty of resources and support available to your child during their revision time. Our courses are intensive, and we find this helps students to be really successful for their focus and motivation. By offering our sessions across a 4-day burst of the school holidays, revision is tailored to cover the most crucial aspects of each exam.

Picturing the Future

The class of 2020 have a big future ahead of them. Whilst the previous year has been one of political stirrings, ever-advancing technology and a world that ’feels’ like it moves faster every year, there’ll be many exciting opportunities and amazing careers ahead. Exams aren’t just about one or two years of your child’s life. They’re part of your child’s fabric: the work that they do to achieve their grades is what matters. It sticks.
Whether they remember the algebraic formula or not, the point is that your child develops their logic and mathematical skill for life. They reason and problem solve and nurture resilience. Therefore, it’s imperative your teenager gives revision their best shot now.

Start Now

Your teenager won’t want to revisit this stuff once they’re out of the school system. There’s a whole world out there to live in and explore: encourage them to revise well now, and they’re in for promising start to their adult life! Our next set of intensive revision courses run during the Easter holidays.

We offer very popular classes for National 5s, Highers and Advanced Highers, so it’s advised you book up your child’s space quickly to secure a spot in one of our small groups.

Blog Headline: To the Class of 2020 Blog Description: 2020 is the year your teen wants to be proud of: it is a year to celebrate success- in a matter of months. So, what’s left to do? How can your teenager maximise their grades? And where should they go next? Published Date: 2020-01-01T09:20:00+00:00 Modified Date: 2020-01-01T09:20:00+00:00 Image URL: Image Width: 750 px Image Height: 450 px Publisher Name: Grade Booster Tutoring Logo URL: Logo Width: 374 px Logo Height: 374 px