Grade Booster Tutoring Glasgow Revision Courses Dates

Grade Booster Tutoring offers a wide range of courses for students sitting SQA exam at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher.
These courses range weekly, one day, three days or four days at critical times during the academic year.

Our courses run October, November December, February, April and May.
For Prelims, we offer Weekly Classes, Unit in a day and Christmas School

For May exams we run, Unit in a day in February and Easter Revision over both weeks of the April Easter Holiday.

Grade Booster takes place Saturday or Sunday before the relevant exam, ensuring that the student is fully prepared and feeling confident to sit there SQA exam in a few days.

Weekly 8 Weeks Nov – Oct
Unit In a Day 1 Day Sunday 25th Nov
Unit In a Day 1 Day Sunday 2nd Dec
Christmas School 3 Days 27th, to 29th December
Easter Week One 4 Days 1st to 4th April
Easter Week Two 4 Days 8th to 11th April
Grade Booster 1 Day Saturday 27th April
Grade Booster 1 Day Sunday 28th April
Grade Booster 1 Day Saturday 4th May
Grade Booster 1 Day Sunday 5th May
Grade Booster 1 Day Saturday 11th May
Grade Booster 1 Day Sunday 12th May

Weekly 8 WeeksNov - Oct
Unit In a Day1 DaySunday 25th Nov
Unit In a Day1 DaySunday 2nd Dec
Christmas School3 Days27th, to 29th December
Easter Week One4 Days1st to 4th April
Easter Week Two4 Days8th to 11th April
Grade Booster1 DaySaturday 27th April
Grade Booster1 DaySunday 28th April
Grade Booster1 DaySaturday 4th May
Grade Booster1 DaySunday 5th May
Grade Booster1 DaySaturday 11th May
Grade Booster1 DaySunday 12th May