Studying on School Break: Is It Necessary?
During the school holiday, most students head home absolutely delighted to have ‘time off!’ As a parent or guardian, you may feel conscious, though, that your child seems to have homework or revision expectations. Is it really necessary that they complete these tasks during a school break?
Everyone needs a break, of course, they do. For children and teenagers, it’s especially important that their young life is enjoyable and happy.
However, exams are important, too.
If your teen has January prelims, students must revise during the Christmas break to prepare for these exams.

Studying Increases Knowledge
Only naturally, some students will be more determined than others to achieve the top grades. But revising for exams is more than about ‘just grades.’ It’s also about confidence, hard work and resilience. Anyone that’s ever taken an exam will tell you that they felt better having been prepared. We provide revision courses, intensively, and we are highly recommended for helping teenagers to feel well prepared! Nobody wants to walk into an exam feeling wobbly or worried: making sure your child revises is one way to ensure they have some knowledge to apply. Knowing their exam technique and timing is part of the process, too- and the more your child can do of this- the better!
Also, knowledge is for life. Revision shouldn’t be perceived as a ‘temporary fix’ to pass exams. Instead, the perspective should be that your child is building knowledge to last a lifetime. If your family agrees with this, you’ll start to see that the input your teenager puts in now is contributing to a life of interest and opportunities ahead!
Studying Boosts Confidence
Our revision courses are an excellent way of boosting teenagers’ confidence. Unlike revising independently, our classes are targeted in small groups and led by subject specialists who guide your child through all the key components of core SQA subjects. Having completed revision courses, your child will have a much better sense of confidence as they walk into the exam hall because they know they have taken action to ensure their knowledge is as good as possible.
We offer courses for National 5s, Higher and Advanced Higher.
Studying Raises Resilience
Finally, resilience is something that not only helps with school tests, but it’s a great trait for life! This said exam years can be one of the first moments your child actually has to learn to be very resilient. There’ll be knocks, criticism and tough work during an exam year- but it’s all to achieve a (hopefully) positive end goal!
Exam years ask of your child to be resilient. Your teen is going to have to face up to this, and your support will aid this. Many parents turn to us, as a revision provider, to give your child that additional support and network when it comes to revision. Resilience is another thing you want to embed, ready for your child’s adult life. Revision builds resilience.
Sign up to our courses today: we run intensive classes across the Christmas holidays to help with January prelims.