English tuition can fill in any weak spots and help students prepare for exams, we offer support for close reading and Scottish set text in the form of revision classes and private tutoring.

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What role does English play in our lives, outwith the SQA exams?

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_color=”%23212121″ top_margin=”0″ bottom_margin=”0″]The written word is becoming ever more important and the world shifts ever further into a digital life. English is far more than just a core subject. It is the way to express abilities, to convey knowledge and to demonstrate who the right candidate is. From getting a job through to attending a prestigious university English is the subject that employers and admissions tutors demand. There is no job that doesn’t require the spoken and written word, but real mastery of the subject opens up the doors to working in website design, media, writing, teaching and so much more.[/text_block]

How can an Easter revision course help?

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]To be successful in May exams, revising at Easter is very important. We know, however, that it’s difficult to conduct self-led learning during the school holidays. Attending an Easter revision course is an excellent way to get the ball rolling.
Not only do these courses focus students’ attention on revision, they also give them a structure to follow, and the chance to practice sitting the exams. Easter revision courses have a significant positive impact on performance. Once students are firmly on the right path, they can make best use of their evenings and weekends throughout the spring term.[/text_block]

Why choose Grade Booster Tutoring for Easter revision?

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Scholar has offered revision courses since 2011 and focus specifically on students’ upcoming examinations. Our school teachers are highly experienced in preparing students for their SQA exam, and are very effective at delivering intensive revision courses.
Our students can select whichever subjects they wish to cover. Timetables for the course are tailored to the student’s individual subject requirements.[/text_block]

Our courses have very clear aims, which are as follows:

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- Give students confidence in their revision plan, and their ability to achieve their potential;
- Develop students’ subject knowledge, and plug gaps in understanding;
- Develop students’ exam techniques;
- Develop students’ revision techniques;
- Identify, and tackle development areas.

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